Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Storyboard & Shot List

Below is our intial storyboard created using StoryboardThat.

* click image to enlarge *

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Group meeting

Digipak shooting 1

Above are the photos that we shot as a group for our digipak. These photos were not up to standard so we decided to use this as practice and make sure we have considered more aspects such costumes that will conform to our genre.

Digipak research

not complete

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Filming Day 5

Filming Day 5 - Location : My house

Props/costume  : pictures and necklace

Pictures - to burn in the final shots
necklace - piece of iconography ( necklace from boyfriend with his initial on it)
costume - white top (purity and innocence) also to be used as a pyjama top

Locations: Bedroom and garden

The bedroom will be used as the female is waking up in a sad and heartbroken mood.

The garden will be used to shoot the footage of the female burning photos as it wont be safe to do so inside the house.

Binary opposites:

Above are two images of the same female in our music video,Nikita. Myself and my group member wanted to portray Nikita as a weak, heartbroken and vulnerable female so I bought a white t shirt for her to wear at the start of the video. This highlighted her purity and innocence in the break down of her relationship with her boyfriend. In comparison, we wanted to highlight a change in the females attitude by changing her clothing, makeup and hair. So we gave her a different hairstyle, darker clothing and heavier makeup, this footage will be used as the female is burning the photos of herself and her ex - boyfriend. By showing these two sides of the female character we hope that our audience are clearly able to understand the narrative


Today I filmed at home independently. The plan was to film the first part of the music video (female waking up) and the last part ( female burning images of her and her then boyfriend). Filming was very difficult, with it being winter it got dark very quickly and I had to resort to using artificial light. However, it made the shots look very unnatural and unclear. Having looked back at the footage I have decided to re-shoot the first half next week as I have identified where I went wrong. Secondly, there were many obstacles in filming outside, although I checked the weather beforehand I didn't expect rain the whole day. When filming the scenes outside it was clear that it wasn't going to work, due to the wind we were unable to light the matches and the females hair kept blowing in her face which made it extremely hard to see her facial expression. Although we were able to capture some good shoots during Filming Day 5, most of the footage will have to be re done as soon as possible

Friday, 4 November 2016

Preparing for filming Day 5

Over this coming weekend myself and my group have decided to split up the task of filming.
Two of my group members will be filming at the O2 whilst i'll be filming at my house. (two new locations) 

On Sunday I plan to film with the main character at my house, this footage will be what happens at the beginning of our music video and will add to filming day 1. I hope that this will make our audience understand our narrative better and give them extra information on our characters.

iphone 6


outfit 1 - White t shirt to highlight innocence

outfit 2 - darker outfit and different hairstyle - change in emotion as she has left her toxic relationship

The two locations being used will be my bedroom and my bathroom, as my house is currently being decorated I have my mattress on the floor. During my research I watched 'Ed Sheeran's video ' Give me Love' ' which also had the same look which gave me the idea to film there.

In my garden I have access to a balcony which will really come in useful when shooting as I can get some

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Group meeting

As a group we have been facing some issues with communication and our overall work as a group, today myself and my group members have decided to meet and delegate roles so that we all play an integral role in the planning, filming and editing of our music video. Due to myself and Jamie - Lee shooting the majority of the footage we have given ourselves the roles of director, we will also be responsible for creating the storyboard, shot list and shooting schedules for the footage that we plan to shoot and eventually carrying out the task of editing our video. The two members of my group have been given the role of planning for the digipak as we have our model coming in next week for a test shoot.

After this meeting I will be able to mainly focus on the music video (planning and filming) whilst offering my support and ideas to the rest of my group. Our next task is to plan what we want to shoot and include on our digipak which will be displayed in the next blog post, we need to think about costumes, props and what conventions of the Indie genre we'd like to conform to.

Later this day, we got a brief idea of what we'd like to include in our digipak

- nature (trees, leaves, flowers etc.)

However we need to do more research into our genre before making our final decision

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Filming Day#4

Today I filmed the flashback of the couple on a date, however I ran into some problems doing so. The area we chose to film in ' Kings Cross Granary Square ' was extremely busy and as I was the only member of my group present it was extremely hard to direct the couple and film at the same time. Due to the male's busy schedule I don't know when we'll be able to film the remainder of the shots as I didn't get a variety of shots, to make sure I don't into this problem again I should always have my shooting schedule with me as I had to rely on the storyboard which wasn't as detailed.

Granary Square, Kings Cross

Couple - Nikita(actress) and Aron(actor)

Due to the problems faced on this day I will have to meet with the actor and actress to film some more footage of them on a date so that our narrative flows better and is easier for our audience to understand.

Monday, 24 October 2016

Music Video Analysis #3

Filming Day 3

Today I was able to film the rest of the shots following on from our last session. We filmed at Old Billingsgate Walk where I was also able to capture some scenery shots. At first there was some trouble with the lighting however after adjusting some settings on the camera my problem was resolved. After looking back at the footage theses shots will be best placed at the beginning of our music video to show the female upset, looking lost and confused about the end of her relationship.
The location we filmed in there were a lot of tourist attractions in the background such as Tower Bridge and The Shard we took advantage of this and included it in our video.

My main aim during filming day 3 was to make sure that the female protagonists feelings of sadness and hurt were portrayed which will in turn allow our audience to connect with our music video better as they can sympathise and empathise with her.
 I made sure this was done in a number of ways :
1 - close ups of her facial expressions will allow our audience to easily identify what the female is feeling
2 - choice of clothing / the female was dressed in dark colours to emphasise her mood
3 -

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Actress Profile

Nikita Holloway

Nikita Holloway will playing the part of the broken hearted female who finds the strength to leave her damaged relationship with her boyfriend although she is hurt. Nikita is our protagonist and our music video will be focusing on the ending of a bad relationship although her and her boyfriend shared good times and memories the love is now lost. Myself and my group have decided to portray this using a narrative, we'll show the happy times of the relationship and how the female is feeling during the sad times and also how she moves on showing her strength.

My own research into our target audience displayed that our audience would be females between 18 and 25, the decision to use a female between these ages will allow our audience to connect better with the emotions being portrayed in our video. I believe that it is particularly important for the audience to connect with the main character of our video as it directed towards them, we want to make sure that we create something appealing and interesting to our audience.

Filming Day 2

Today we were able to film for the first time with our chosen actress. As a group we made the decision to have the female wear dark colours to portray her emotion about her lost relationship. We made this decision as the shots we were filming were of a particular part of the song where the female is singing about her sadness and betrayal of her lost love.

Nikita Holloway
Nikita Holloway and group members.

Today was a successful day as we were able to shoot everything we planned for this day and some extra footage of the female and the location including close ups and wide shots. 

*click to enlarge image*

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Lyric decoding

Today I sat down and spent some time decoding the lyrics whilst repeatedly listening to the song, this allowed me to understand the actual meaning of the song. By doing so I was able to link what ideas we had as a group to different parts of the song whilst also coming up with new ideas to propose to my group members during our next group meeting. Doing this task helped me to efficiently plan what shots we wanted to film on what days.

Filming Day 1

Myself and my group decided that our first day of filming should involve getting some scenery shots of our chosen locations including signs, we also dedicated this day to familiarising ourselves with the camera and how to operate it properly making use of the different features.

Hoxton Station

The Geffrye Museum

Both these locations are approximately a 2 minute walk from each other, we'll be filming here on filming day#2 as we'll have our actress.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Location Recce #1

Location, Location, Location

Today myself and another member of my group decided to visit one of the locations we have chosen for our music video and take some photos and videos to share with the other members of our group.
We visited the Geffrye Museum.

Geffrye Museum

The Geffrye Museum will be used for capture footage of the female waiting for her boyfriend to show up to their date. These shots will be best placed at the beginning of our music video. We hoped to to film the couple on a date using the museum cafe as a location however we were unable to film inside. We will use the outside of the museum instead as we are allowed to film there.

Other locations we are deciding on are as follows:

Using Southbank as one of our locations we hope to film the flashback scenes of the couple on a date happily enjoying themselves. I also would like to use the scenery around to include in our footage e.g. the skate park and the bridge.

Granary Square, Kings Cross 

This location will also be used as a date scene for the couple. 

Old Billingsgate Walk.
This last location is one that I spotted whilst at work. I thought it would be perfect for the female to be looking out at the water, trying to find peace in the end of her relationship.

Myself and my group members are still deciding on what coffee shop/ cafe we should use when showing the couple happily on a date,

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Survey - Target Audience Research

Survey Results

Question 1:

From asking this question we were able to identify our age group, our video will mainly be targeted to people between the ages of 16 and 20. I will conduct thorough research to identify what my demographic look for / like to see in music videos.

Question 2 :

The majority of people that answered my survey were female. In order to attract and appeal to our audience our production will include elements that are preferred more by females e.g. love stories.

Question 3:

A range of answers from students, receptionists, teachers to retail assistants.

Question 4:  

This question was mainly asked to help us with our magazine advert, this will give us information on what platforms to include on the magazine cover.

Question 5 :

The majority of those who answered my survey favoured the RnB genre of music. However as we want to be creative and offer our audience something different we have chosen a song from the Indie genre.

Question 6 :  

 This answer, as expected, varied from person to person. People gave artists from many different genres such as pop, rnb, soul and reggae. Some answers included were Beyonce, Adele, Kanye West, Drake, Stormzy and so on.
Question 7 :

Question 7 also had numerous answers however the main themes were performances ( dance routines used to make the video humorous or more appealing) and props used in conjunction with the story being displayed in the video.

Question 8 :

This question was asked to give myself information on what platforms to inlcude on the magazine advert, we decided to include all the platforms bar one, CD stores, as everything is now accessible online people rarely buy from CD stores.

Question 9 :

Question 9 was not asked for a specific purpose however it gave myself and my group member more insight into the patterns of our target audience in relation to music videos.

Target Audience


Below is the survey I created to distribute to members of my target audience, I distributed my survey to 20 people.


 The results of my survey will be displayed in my next blog post.