Thursday, 6 October 2016

Location Recce #1

Location, Location, Location

Today myself and another member of my group decided to visit one of the locations we have chosen for our music video and take some photos and videos to share with the other members of our group.
We visited the Geffrye Museum.

Geffrye Museum

The Geffrye Museum will be used for capture footage of the female waiting for her boyfriend to show up to their date. These shots will be best placed at the beginning of our music video. We hoped to to film the couple on a date using the museum cafe as a location however we were unable to film inside. We will use the outside of the museum instead as we are allowed to film there.

Other locations we are deciding on are as follows:

Using Southbank as one of our locations we hope to film the flashback scenes of the couple on a date happily enjoying themselves. I also would like to use the scenery around to include in our footage e.g. the skate park and the bridge.

Granary Square, Kings Cross 

This location will also be used as a date scene for the couple. 

Old Billingsgate Walk.
This last location is one that I spotted whilst at work. I thought it would be perfect for the female to be looking out at the water, trying to find peace in the end of her relationship.

Myself and my group members are still deciding on what coffee shop/ cafe we should use when showing the couple happily on a date,

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