Friday, 4 November 2016

Preparing for filming Day 5

Over this coming weekend myself and my group have decided to split up the task of filming.
Two of my group members will be filming at the O2 whilst i'll be filming at my house. (two new locations) 

On Sunday I plan to film with the main character at my house, this footage will be what happens at the beginning of our music video and will add to filming day 1. I hope that this will make our audience understand our narrative better and give them extra information on our characters.

iphone 6


outfit 1 - White t shirt to highlight innocence

outfit 2 - darker outfit and different hairstyle - change in emotion as she has left her toxic relationship

The two locations being used will be my bedroom and my bathroom, as my house is currently being decorated I have my mattress on the floor. During my research I watched 'Ed Sheeran's video ' Give me Love' ' which also had the same look which gave me the idea to film there.

In my garden I have access to a balcony which will really come in useful when shooting as I can get some

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