Tuesday 27 September 2016

Survey - Target Audience Research

Survey Results

Question 1:

From asking this question we were able to identify our age group, our video will mainly be targeted to people between the ages of 16 and 20. I will conduct thorough research to identify what my demographic look for / like to see in music videos.

Question 2 :

The majority of people that answered my survey were female. In order to attract and appeal to our audience our production will include elements that are preferred more by females e.g. love stories.

Question 3:

A range of answers from students, receptionists, teachers to retail assistants.

Question 4:  

This question was mainly asked to help us with our magazine advert, this will give us information on what platforms to include on the magazine cover.

Question 5 :

The majority of those who answered my survey favoured the RnB genre of music. However as we want to be creative and offer our audience something different we have chosen a song from the Indie genre.

Question 6 :  

 This answer, as expected, varied from person to person. People gave artists from many different genres such as pop, rnb, soul and reggae. Some answers included were Beyonce, Adele, Kanye West, Drake, Stormzy and so on.
Question 7 :

Question 7 also had numerous answers however the main themes were performances ( dance routines used to make the video humorous or more appealing) and props used in conjunction with the story being displayed in the video.

Question 8 :

This question was asked to give myself information on what platforms to inlcude on the magazine advert, we decided to include all the platforms bar one, CD stores, as everything is now accessible online people rarely buy from CD stores.

Question 9 :

Question 9 was not asked for a specific purpose however it gave myself and my group member more insight into the patterns of our target audience in relation to music videos.

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