Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Filming Day#4

Today I filmed the flashback of the couple on a date, however I ran into some problems doing so. The area we chose to film in ' Kings Cross Granary Square ' was extremely busy and as I was the only member of my group present it was extremely hard to direct the couple and film at the same time. Due to the male's busy schedule I don't know when we'll be able to film the remainder of the shots as I didn't get a variety of shots, to make sure I don't into this problem again I should always have my shooting schedule with me as I had to rely on the storyboard which wasn't as detailed.

Granary Square, Kings Cross

Couple - Nikita(actress) and Aron(actor)

Due to the problems faced on this day I will have to meet with the actor and actress to film some more footage of them on a date so that our narrative flows better and is easier for our audience to understand.

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