Wednesday, 21 September 2016

First Group Meeting

Today me and my group members met, we spoke for around half an hour and in this time we were able to delegate a few roles and also note some ideas that we had.

Prior to this meeting I had discussed with one of my group members an idea of the song we could use; Birdy 'Wild horses'. Today I was able to play the song to all of my group members and they were all happy with the song choice.

We listened to the song a few times to try and get a deeper meaning of the lyrics so that we could have a main idea of what we wanted our music video to show e.g. love or heartbreak and how we could show this to our audience.

Below are some of the ideas I noted down from our first group meeting

Location ideas - Beckton, Southend (seaside), hackney marshes and the Geffrye museum.
Characters - guy and a girl (to show love story)

By listening the lyrics I was able to understand a deeper meaning of the song, the song is about love and a potential heartbreak however the main theme was empowerment. Our next step as a group is to work out a way that we could show this in our own production.
 My group and I  thought the best way we could portray this is through narrative where we are able to show a love story and where it went wrong.

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